Does Preventative Technology Grant funding persist?

Several readers have asked me [Editor Steve] to substantiate by references to Government documents my assertion that the 2006-2008 Preventative Technology Grant (PTG) funding was “an addition to the baseline funding of councils with social services responsibilities” and that it therefore continues to the present in council funding, year-on-year. (3millionlives Plan D item).

Well, it is extremely difficult. Let me begin by telling you, dear reader, as it was told to me when I was contracted on project management work for the Department of Health (DH) in 2003-2005…

Help at Hand: new mobile alarm service from O2 (UK)

At the King’s Fund yesterday Telefonica’s UK mobile arm O2 (O2 Health division) launched a mobile-based pendant alarm system with geolocation and geofencing called ‘Help at Hand’. It has a choice of two user devices, one of which also has falls detection. More information on the O2 Health website or download the info sheet and press release (PDFs).

The positioning of the service, which includes a pendant or wrist-worn device, a secure website and an alarm monitoring centre is interesting…