Two important publications reviewed
Review of two important publications of interest to people involved in both dementia care and telecare implementation.
Review of two important publications of interest to people involved in both dementia care and telecare implementation.
Congratulations to Rugby PCT Intermediate Care Team for reaching the top five for their WristCare implementation in the Health Service Journal’s 2005 Awards in the e Technology category.
LA would like to be put in touch with other users of Initial Saturn control centres.
Latest addition to the set of helpful materials:
Telecare user information for local consultation Version 5 December 2005
Conference: What role can telemedicine and eHealth play in the care of older people?, 28 March 06
The benefits of broadband technology would be manifested in lower medical costs, lower costs of institutionalized living and additional output generated by more seniors and individuals with disabilities in the labor force according to economist Robert E. Litan, author of the report Great Expectations: Potential Economic Benefits From Accelerated Broadband Deployment To Older Americans and Americans with Disabilities.
Halton Borough Council’s intermediate care service has teamed up with the NHS to launch the Telecare system. Good to see it going public.
A partnership of business, community and city council leaders believes the city can win the government’s £7 million ‘Digital Challenge’. Bristol is already one of the top European locations for wi-fi network provision, digital technology research and development, creative industries and online service delivery, public consultation and democratic engagement.
The evolution of ‘telecarers’ and the ‘cyber divide’ worries many policy makers. People with lower educational achievement or income have worse health. They also make less use of the internet. If more healthcare services are shifted to new media, will health inequalities worsen?
Thorough article discusses the areas of concern.