What does the new radio frequency mean to service providers?
News from the Association of Social Alarms Providers (ASAP) about the newly agreed radio frequencies for telecare devices.
News from the Association of Social Alarms Providers (ASAP) about the newly agreed radio frequencies for telecare devices.
NASA’s conducting clinical tests on the ground version of its system for monitoring astronauts.
Published 23rd August, the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study show that improved health and mortality are not likely to guard against the risk of developing dementia. This press release contains conflicting estimates of the incidence of dementia in people over 85.
“The medical industry is already squeezed financially supporting chronically ill patients, and MedStar home monitoring alleviates some of this pressure, while improving patients’ outcome,” says Dr. Charles J. Jacobus, President of Cybernet Systems Corporation. “Avoiding one day of unnecessary hospitalization pays for almost 3 years of monitoring expenses.”
“Most people in the [healthcare] system work with tools from the 1990s. They need our help…The system has to change.” said Louis Burns, vice president and general manager of Intel’s digital health group. “Most people in the [healthcare] system work… Read moreIntel wants a healthy you
West Lothian’s telecare work is often referenced but seldom explained in detail. However, if you want to understand what they have done, what the results and lessons have been, and what they still want to do, Independent living for older… Read moreReport reviews West Lothian outcomes
Which? slates the Department of Health’s response to the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) recommendations on care homes. It falls short of fully addressing the problems raised by Which?’s super-complaint. Read press release here.
Eleven centres in three countries, England, Poland and Italy, participated in the Heart Failure in Hospital and Home (HHH) trial. Around 450 patients with heart problems were signed up for the randomised controlled trial.
Community Care, the UK’s leading weekly magazine for the social care goes telecare aware with three interesting articles published today. Push button care Cardiff carer caught by client’s camera Gadgets don’t care
The Department of Health has published a survey of the market of self care devices and products for people with long term conditions. Read here.