Business briefs for 30 July

As we end the week and the month of July (where oh where did it go?), here’s more for your weekend reading:

  • Convex Portugal has selected AMD Global Telemedicine to integrate their peripherals (stethoscope, camera and illumination for DICOM imaging) into their primary care and hospital-based Healthpoint system. The initial focus is improving care in rural Portugal.   AMD release.
  • San Diego-based medical device company GlySens and the University of California-San Diego have developed an implantable wireless sensor that takes blood glucose readings. They are urging that it move in FDA trials from mice to men.  If this works, possible end to pinpricks and manual readings.  iHealthBeat, ‘New blood glucose monitor…’ San Diego-Union-Tribune.

‘Meaningful use’ update, Samsung Haven for older adults, the Tablet Wars and the 9000 lb gorilla of wireless data

'DIY house calls': technology brands gone missing

Have a seat, be calm.  The Wall Street Journal manages to publish an entire article about telehealth without once mentioning the name of a system (except for a vague reference to Intel).  Instead it’s a tale of insurers–Aetna, Humana, Wellpoint/Anthem, MetroPlus.  And the numbers are revealing:  MetroPlus, a NYC Medicaid and Medicare plan, estimates that a heart patient’s hospital stay is $6300 while their (unnamed) remote monitoring system is worth approximately $626 (and rented!)  Hospital 30-day readmissions:  40% may be avoidable (Aetna).   The numbers appear self-evident.  Yet…