If you head a multi-campus hospital and believe that your organization will receive multiple payments by facility from HHS for ‘meaningful use’, guess again. You will be treated as one facility. And there’s concern that physicians could stop participating in the program if initial reporting and payment procedures do not go well. iHealthBeat, ‘CMS holds steady…‘
The older-person-friendly Samsung Haven debuted this week with Verizon, with large buttons, ICE emergency call button, large screen type and built in applications such as reminders and fitness guides. Mobihealthnews briefs, 3G Doctor Blogdismisses it as ‘disappointing’ and costly.
Tablet wars open new fronts. The iPad and the Cisco Cius [TA 2 July], due in early 2011, will be joined by LG (Android) at year’s end. Add to that Windows 7-powered tablets from multiple Microsoft partners, plus the rumored HP webOS PalmPad and BlackBerry BlackPad (clever ) Any bets as to who will lead the healthcare market? And tablets = greater demand on data networks.
Forbes has a brief but disturbing article on the bumpy shift that US wireless is undergoing as demand moves from voice to the 9000 lb gorilla of data. Leading the way is the FCC 2009 statistic that 42% of US consumers already own a smartphone. And enhanced 3G is not 4G.