NHS Direct / SE Essex Telemonitoring Project – excellent results (UK)
Just released, the NHS Direct Telemonitoring project evaluation report (PDF 64 pages – 1.1Mb) from SE Essex. UPDATE: 2 page summary article.
NHSD provided a telemonitoring centre that triaged results from 85 patients, allowing significant time savings for the COPD nurses in the community.
The report has lots of good news – savings in time/money/travel for the COPD nurses, reduced admissions for patients, as well as excellent patient feedback. The service went from a standing start to deployment in four months. Experience elsewhere suggests others have struggled to achieve similar patient numbers in such a short timeframe. Patient compliance for using the Telehealth equipment was 92% compared with 85% elsewhere and the NHSD’s call centre monitoring in this pilot is unique. [Follow the ‘Read More’ link for information on major telehealth partnership opportunities.]