Final Telecare LIN eNewsletter published (UK)

All good – and Government-subsidised – things come to an end, and so it has been announced that February’s Department of Health’s Telecare Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) is ceasing at the end of this month and, with it, the eNewsletter compiled so comprehensively by Mike Clark. As reported over the years by Telecare Aware, the newsletter has been a source of information about telecare and telehealth related events in the UK and it has helped keep readers’ fingers on the pulse of related Government policy developments.

In a foreword to the final edition, Jeremy Porteus points readers to the WSDAN site as a continuing source of information, although he notes that it does not provide the level of support to individuals that the Telecare LIN did. He also says that the content of the Telecare LIN web pages will be moved to a standalone site “as well as exploring how we can support third parties communicate latest policy and practice information on telecare and telehealth in the future.” [They have not talked to us. However, we have another development in mind that may serve the community in the UK and in other countries better. Ed Steve]

Interesting items in February’s eNewsletter (PDF) include:

  • Funding available that can be used for telecare to support hospital discharges, care at home and winter pressures in 2010/11. (Item 1)
  • News from the Department of Health (Item 2)
  • Events, conferences, courses (Items 4&5)

1 thought on “Final Telecare LIN eNewsletter published (UK)

  1. Thanks Mike for all the informative information you have passed our way, we all know how the cuts impact o so many services, but we are told that technology is the way forward, and yet we are loosing a link to what is available.

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