Both of these apps help with what happens after ‘coming home’ for service members. From Armed with Science:
- The PE Coach smartphone app is designed for use with PTSD patients to support them while in prolonged exposure (PE) therapy, which asks the patient in session to revisit, in their minds, the traumatic event. Therapists assign ‘homework’ between sessions that help with confronting similar situations in safe environments. This app not only supports the between session tasks, but provides records of the sessions and educational material. Jointly developed by DOD, National Center for Telehealth and Technology [T2], Center for Deployment Psychology and the VA. Smart Phones, Service Members & PTSD Treatments
- LifeArmor is another coping tool to ease reentry for service members. Also designed by T2, the app is a reference to 17 different topics where post-deployment issues can impact everyday life for the veteran. There are tools and videos for helping gauge sleep problems, dealing with family issues, friends, service-related sexual trauma (more common than generally acknowledged), stress and mild TBI. Available for iPhone, iPad and Android. Technological Coping Tools.
These are designed to deal with a range of personal and home situations for veterans. The consequences of not dealing with them up front may be here for some as depicted in the New York Times: “About once every half hour in America, a veteran within the VA healthcare system tries to commit suicide, according to VA figures for fiscal year 2011.”–exacerbating the already-high suicide rate among ages 25-34. Other measures taken are text messaging, a phone hotline and (not in article, but certainly followed here) apps such as Mood Tracker and Diversinet’s mCare. For Too Many Veterans, the Ultimate Defeat
“every half hour in America, a veteran within the VA healthcare system tries to commit suicide” Shades of Groundhog Day!