Who has benefited – or not – from the UK’s Telecare, Telehealth and Telecoaching procurement framework RM784? The ‘winners and losers’ can now be revealed thanks to a Freedom of Information request by Telecare Aware. The results raise some profound issues for proponents of further framework agreements.
The following chart lists the seven companies who have received – or declared – sales totalling over £100,000 from the start of the agreement to the present day.

Tunstall’s predominant position, with sales of nearly £16 million through the framework will be a surprise to no one, although the size of its lead over its competitors may be. The company with the second highest declared sales value, Questmark, is a videoconferencing supplier not known for its presence in the monitoring people at home arena. [Happy to be corrected on that one, if you know different. Ed. Steve UPDATE: See information about Questmark here.]
There are a further 13 companies who have had sales through the framework of less than £100,000 in total. They are: Cross Keys Homes; Airedale NHS Trust; Telecare UK Ltd; iPlato Healthcare; CarelineUK Monitoring Ltd; Chubb Community Care; Tynetec; Mediaburst Ltd; Just Checking Ltd; Cirrus Communication Systems Ltd; Docobo Ltd; Icom Projects; Invicta Telecare Ltd.
The lack of ANY sales by the other 42 companies who were selected for the framework must raise eyebrows.
The non-sales by some companies must reflect the flawed selection procedure. But some companies appear either to have made no use of the framework or they have not declared their sales to the Government Procurement Service (GPS), which now runs it. The latter is a condition of being on the framework and it is required so that GPS can receive the percentage of the contract values which justify its existence.
Of course, sales through the framework do not reflect the business that companies have been doing outside it – via non-framework tenders and for amounts below which councils etc. do not have to tender, for example – but if any organisation believes that it has done business under the terms of the framework agreement with any of the following companies, then the GPS will surely be interested to hear from them…