Mediagrids' ambition: an end to multiple telecare base units (UK)

At the Telecare Services Association’s Telecare and Telehealth conference in Cardiff yesterday Mediagrids announced that its ‘CareMATE Online’ teleconferencing system works with Medic4all wireless blood pressure monitors and Initial Intellilink Executive community alarms, thus demonstrating a significant step towards Mediagrids’… Read moreMediagrids' ambition: an end to multiple telecare base units (UK)

De Montfort University Leicester (UK) ‘invents mobile telecare’

Their proposal for the next generation of telecare technology was named the top entry in the UK Satellite Navigation 2007 Challenge. I hope someone will tell us what’s so new about it. Wireless Healthcare report [URL “” is reported by… Read moreDe Montfort University Leicester (UK) ‘invents mobile telecare’