White Paper: Telecare; telehealth; the bad news; the good news
At last we have finished wading through the 236 pages of the White Paper to sniff out the implications for telecare and telehealth in England.
At last we have finished wading through the 236 pages of the White Paper to sniff out the implications for telecare and telehealth in England.
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Social Exclusion Unit report Inclusion Through Innovation (January 2006) The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Social Exclusion Unit report Inclusion Through Innovation (January 2006) highlights how technology can be used to tackle… Read moreSocial Exclusion Unit gets behind telecare
A study published in the January issue of The Annals of Neurology reports that vibrating insoles allow diabetics with numb feet and stroke victims with uncertain balance to stand quietly without swaying and losing their balance.
Age Concern England and BT announce a three year partnership worth £240,000.
Video telephone manufacturer Scotty Group has clinched a substantial new contract with an Indian distributor and Altosys Software.
The author of this commentary on The Application Home Initiative (TAHI) conference (last November?) thinks so. The article also flags up that THAI is setting up working groups focusing on key areas.
Suffolk County Council, which has won government plaudits for the quality of its Supporting People service, has shocked providers by withdrawing funding for emergency alarm systems in older peoples’ homes.