Telehealth heart failure readmissions reduced to 3%: NJ home care study

This surprisingly low number for heart failure readmissions was featured in a article on home care using telehealth services–broadly defined as phone, web and remote patient monitoring.  In a study of 284 heart failure patients from 2009-2010, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central NJ (VNACJ) and Monmouth Medical Center found only 11.9% rehospitalized for ‘same cause’ in 2009–which was reduced to a scant 3.17%  this year, January – September. 

When will the NHS wake up to telehealth?

Two items that ask the same ‘When?’ question from different angles:

First, a primary care angle from widely read Healthcare Republic, Stephen Robinson in Can telecare ease GPs’ workload? which references the Kent, Essex, Nottingham and Scottish telehealth experience and comments from presenters at a recent Kings Fund event.

Second, on Wednesday, Stephen Dorrell (Conservative, ex- health minister from the early 90s and currently Chair of the influential Health Select Committee) gave a speech attended by one of our readers who commented…