Center for Connected Health thought pieces

Two recent thought pieces on the Center for Connected Health’s websites are worth attention:

  • Liz Boehm of Forrester Research on the differences between human and technology-mediated engagement for health support, how people use the two and actually how the line between the two is blurring.  How to mix the two in a care model?  Example: the primary-care home model from a Seattle WA-based company called Qliance: primary care delivered on a reasonable fee basis with high-deductible catastrophic insurance attached. ‘How Emerging Care Delivery Models Affect Connected Health’ (much pithier than it sounds!).
  • Dr. Joseph Kvedar’s projections on ‘The Future of Connected Health (part 2)’ are ‘more and more’–data, integration with EHRs, entrepreneurship, education/coaching and a better care model in the patient centered medical home.  Quite sunny and ideal….devoutly to be wished….but while Dr. Kvedar believes this New Jerusalem will arrive when ‘healthcare reform ripens’, initial signs are not promising to this editor.  [Donna–short opinion follows]