Ultrawideband – the future for remote monitoring?

According to Fierce Mobile Healthcare, ultrawideband (UWB) works by sending super-fast bursts of signal over large swathes of radio spectrum. It only transmits over short distances, but doesn’t interfere with other frequencies, and can coexist with other technologies like Bluetooth and Zigbee. The technology has been around for more than a decade, but never really found its place outside of military radar implementations. Big IT players like Intel have pursued UWB products, but never brought them to fruition. But Oregon State researchers say that UWB may have found its place in remote, or personal health monitoring. The reason: It can transmit enormous amounts of data in micro-seconds, but uses very little energy. In fact, the sensors that OSU researchers envision could be powered with the patient’s body heat. Remote monitoring potential of ultrawideband for hospitals too large to ignore.