SSAIB launches certification for Telecare service providers (UK)

SSAIB (the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board) has announced the launch of its Telecare Services Scheme; an audit scheme for providers of telecare services. The Telecare Services Scheme is available throughout the UK to all service providers. The SSAIB will be holding a series of free seminars for providers and specifiers of telecare services at which it will provide full details of the scheme, its management and operation.

The launch seminars will be held in two sessions: a morning session for providers of telecare and an afternoon session for specifiers of telecare services at the following places:
3rd March 2010 – Edinburgh
4th March 2010 – Manchester
31st March 2010 – Hinckley
1st April 2010 – Wrexham
14th April 2010 – Exeter
15th April 2010 – Cardiff

The seminars are free, and can be booked through Andrew Brown by telephone 0191 2703153 or online at More information in press release (PDF).