Readers' help wanted

First telehealth… do you have a copy of North Yorkshire and Yorks (NYY) PCT’s Telehealth Internal Audit Report (August/September? 2011) that you’d like to share with us? It’s the one that reveals more of what went on during the telehealth procurement and was the subject to a FOI request in October. The result of the request is not known so it may be in the public domain but we have been unable to trace a copy on the internet.

Second, could you put editor Steve in touch with a GP who has participated in the NYY telehealth scheme and who would be willing to talk to a media contact?

Third, are you able to update us on the state of the Swindon telehealth mainstreaming, ideally supported with a link to an official document such as the Swindon PCT Monthly Performance Report? The latest one editor Steve can find is July 2011 where the affordability of reaching the ‘800 target’ is doubted. The last Telecare Aware mention of Swindon was in September 2008, when their 35 person pilot was mainstreamed with 50.

Finally, and nothing to do with telecare or telehealth, if you use Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 – particularly in a ‘corporate’ environment – please could you try out, and give feedback on, a new ‘App Store for Office’ that editor Steve is involved in developing. Details and download here.