6 thoughts on “Proposed telecare, telehealth framework agreement – new info and consultation dates (UK)

  1. It will be interesting to see from the new document how the possibility of a potential framework that could offer ‘….holistic solutions…which meet service users’ needs in an integrated way’ only involves ‘Supplier engagement’ and ‘Commissioner and other stakeholder engagement’ – no real mention of users, patients, carers in the consultations.

    As it could be a national framework or a complement to the existing framework, presumably there will be consultation events with a full range of stakeholders around the country.

    Looking forwards to seeing the published feedback and outcomes from the consultations.

    Mike Clark (Twitter @clarkmike)

  2. I would be interested in receiving details of the Telecare Suppliers Organisation referred to in page 2 of the document.

    Is this a new organisation formed by suppliers who are disgruntled with the performance of the TSA on their behalf,or is it confirmation of the suggestion that the ESPO don’t know what they are talking about?

  3. It is always good to start out with a clearly defined timescale … so a shame this document trips over the issue – would you want to be on the supplier event on 6 December if the consultation is truly complete by end of November?

    Consultation done by end of November, Option Analysis completed and Tender early 2013 and [u]Framework[/u] in place by the summer … apart from being an unrealistic timeframe … we do not know if a Framework is going to be the outcome or do we?

  4. I’ve received a communication from ESPO thanking our commenters for picking up some anomalies in the paper originally posted and offering an amended version which can now be download from main item.

  5. Steve

    Is the link to the amended item or to the Sept version from ESPO?

    Are the only events in Leicester, Gloucester and Wakefield?

    Mike (@clarkmike)

  6. @Mike, the download is the version sent to me today (with just those events).

    For simplicity I had kept the filename the same, but for clarity I have now changed the filename to include 30oct12.


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