The underlying aim of the 29 Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPP) pilot sites is to create a sustainable shift in resources and culture away from the focus on institutional and hospital-based crisis care toward earlier and better targeted interventions for older people within community settings. When the project was announced in 2005 there was a strong expectation at the Department of Health that telecare would be a feature of winning bids for participation in this project, linking to Preventative Technology Grant developments.
What does the just-published interim report tell us?
65 (14%) of projects involve the provision of ‘Additional Support’ such as medicines management, telecare services, falls services, holistic assessments and mentoring services.
Why, when we know that to get councils and the NHS to work together to introduce anything new is like swimming through treacle, does this pathetic figure leave me speechless? Never mind the press release spin – read the report for yourself.