Moca Lab wins MIT Davis Peace Fellowship

Another example of how mHealth can save lives in underdeveloped areas with little access to medical care.  MIT developed Moca, an open-source, cell-phone based telemedicine system, for extending specialist care to remote areas.  Moca Lab at MIT is a university course focused on implementing Moca between the remote communities of the Philippines’ southernmost area, Mindanao, and health professionals, university faculty, and students of metro Manila.  Mindanao has a 1:17,000 doctor:population ratio and practically no specialists, meaning that simple x-rays and tests take weeks to be interpreted.  Accentuating their social problem is the continuous, destabilizing conflict with religious extremists.  The Lab was just awarded a $10,000 grant from the 2010 Davis Projects for Peace Fellowship to extend the project.    MIT News. Dell Social Innovation Competition (video).