HP donates Palm Pre phones in Botswana for malaria detection

To detect and map malaria outbreaks in Botswana more quickly, an ‘all-star’ group is organizing a network of mobile phones, mobile service, texting and geotagging of outbreaks mapped by GPS coordinates. HP will provide Palm Pre 2 smartphones to 700 – 1,000 health care workers for data collection and geotagging pictures, audio and video. The nonprofit group PING developed the cloud application that allows quick sharing of data (and mosquito netting); MASCOM the airtime and US Pres. Clinton’s nonprofit CHAI additional support and also a tie in with AIDS prevention. The first-ever map of disease transmission in Botswana will be created from this yearlong project. eWeek, HP Donates webOS Smartphones for Malaria Surveillance Effort in Botswana.