Should Essex cut-out its bizarre PR photo shoot?

The Essex (UK) County Council’s website is silent about whether it still has a motto or not but, as far as its telecare programme is concerned I’d suggest it should be Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. In my view, even if you generate some publicity you’d rather not have, as in this local paper’s item, it is much worse to take the don’t-rock-the-boat-do-damn-little-and-do-it-slowly approach that seems to characterise the telecare promotion of many councils.

1 thought on “Should Essex cut-out its bizarre PR photo shoot?

  1. Telecare Photoshoot
    The press must have had a quiet day, but we were pleased with the balanced reporting of the positive effect on independence that Telecare can have in supporting users with their choice of how care is delivered. In all, a good case of no such thing as bad publicity. We will start our advert campaign in mid August with press and radio activity so lets hope we gain even more coverage!

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