Digital Technology Essentials Guide (UK, NHS)

According to its website the QIPP Digital Technology and Vision network “is to promote and provide an online collaboration space for the sharing of local digital initiatives across the NHS” and it has just produced a 9-page Digital Technology Essentials Guide (PFD download) which includes references to telecare, telehealth and telemedicine. I have to thank Roy Lilley (join his mailing list) for the link to this guide, and his take on it is a scathing “I have no idea why we are giving this space – hopeless Janet & John.” [‘Janet & John’ is a reference to an old UK reading primer] This editor, Steve, is less down on the QIPP network…if they perceive that people in the NHS need to know what a digital pen or SMS patient appointment reminders are, then it is an indication of the mountain of difficulty that the 3millionlives (3ML) initiative faces or, conversely, how easy it will be for telehealth suppliers to lead commissioners by the nose. And they do say, by way of introduction “This guide provides a brief summary of a wide range of enabling digital technologies most of which are quick wins and should be considered by all organisations.” Perhaps you know a tech dinosaur who would benefit from it?