CSIP’s August Telecare eNewsletter has just been published (download pdf version). Content highlights are:
- a reminder about the Whole System Demonstrator Action Network website (but you have already signed up to that, haven’t you?)
- a promise that the headline information on the Preventative Technology Grant – was the overall target of an additional 160,000 users met between 2006-2008 – will be released in September
- a request for case studies from telecare suppliers for a forthcoming supplement (but be quick, the closing date is next Monday)
- a useful, short briefing on the potential of using mobile phone technology
- note of changes to CSIP’s recently revamped website. You can get the latest CSIP Telecare eNewsletters (but not August’s yet) directly from this page, and browse the menu on the left for information on outcomes, events and other resources.
- updated information available for the i4i (Invention for Innovation) Programme
- news of an either desperately needed or extremely patronising series of Carers Events the aim of which is “to help create a common sense of purpose and foster collective responsibility to ensure that carers have the services they need in their caring role whilst being enabled to have a life outside caring.”
- a list of forthcoming deadlines for expressions of interest for various things that will interest people involved in telecare and telehealth