Cleveland Clinic, IBM Watson project to partner (US)

‘Big data’ cruncher IBM Watson, lately in the news with oncology decision support [TA 10 Sep], announced a partnering with the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner College of Medicine to improve Watson’s learning process. The three-year project starting early next year is called TeachWatson and it is designed to improve its deep question answering ability on health care subjects and improve Watson’s ability to think analytically, refine ability to create hypotheses, rank them and suggest strategies for addressing the case studies. iHealthBeat.

Related: The Cleveland Clinic also announced their ‘top 10 innovations’ at yesterday’s 10th Annual Medical Innovation Summit. Most are not eHealth related, but these are: neuromodulation therapy for cluster and migraine headaches, which relies on sensors; handheld optical scan for melanoma; and the Medicare Better Health Rewards Act of 2012 (not yet passed) which rewards Medicare beneficiaries for more closely self-monitoring and improving their status in four chronic conditions–in Editor Donna’s estimation, this Act if passed eventually could benefit telehealth as part of the self-monitoring incentive.