In a bold move, Alertacall yesterday presented its brand of telecare – its safety confirmation service – to the general population (of the Border TV region at least) by embarking on a television advertising campaign. The advertisements will be backed up by a targeted leaflet drop across the region and will be supported by coverage in several regional publications.
In a statement for Telecare Aware, Alertacall’s creator and Managing Director James Batchelor said: “If the Government and councils were truly committed to realising the benefits of telecare, mass publicity campaigns to reach potential users is the route they should be taking. People will only start to feel comfortable with telecare when they see it as relatively normal and that others in their peer group are taking advantage of it too. You can’t create awareness or demand effectively by handing out a leaflet here or there, or by having small-scale local press launches. It all helps, but it’s not enough. There needs to be broader coverage to support everyone at every level who is engaged in referring people to telecare.”
“Councils and health services within a TV region could share the cost of such campaigns, and Alertacall will be happy to provide consultancy to any such consortium that wants to do so”, he added.
It is estimated that 400,000 adults will see the TV adverts twice and 200,000 will see them at least four times. Telecare Aware readers can view Alertacall’s TV adverts here.