2011 mHealth acquisitions thick and fast

Mobihealthnews does everyone in the field a nifty service in rounding up the top 10 mHealth acquisitions to date, some of which we’ve reported on, others have been more under the horizon. Article.

(Acquired company then acquirer:)

  1. Vitality GlowCaps–Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong
  2. Oncology Care Home Health Specialists–WellDoc
  3. Prylo SAS (FR)–Doro (SV)
  4. Screenmedia app Sprint GPS Fitness Tracking (Scotland)–Peaksware
  5. Vitality Group/Discovery Holdings (SA)–Humana (rewards/incentive joint venture now called HumanaVitality)
  6. Appointment City–Healthagen
  7. Amcom–USA Mobility
  8. Wallace Wireless (CA)–Vocera
  9. Lexi-Comp–Wolters Kluwer Health
  10. JagTag–Augme