Aboriginal Telehealth in Brazil
Only posted by Renato Sabbatini on Slideshare last week, but apparently referencing a conference a few years ago. Another slideshow also by Dr Sabbatini: The Status of Telehealth in Brazil
Only posted by Renato Sabbatini on Slideshare last week, but apparently referencing a conference a few years ago. Another slideshow also by Dr Sabbatini: The Status of Telehealth in Brazil
For devices used close to or on the body, Taoglas has launched “The first flexible circuit loop antenna, which can deliver over 40% efficiency in healthcare monitoring devices. The FLA.01 antenna is a penta-band cellular antenna that is embedded inside… Read moreFirst flexible circuit loop antennas for healthcare M2M market
I must be missing something here. I’m sure I’m missing something…why would small companies with emerging technologies want to share that information at an early stage with a company like AT&T, even if AT&T is “investing billions to enhance, expand… Read moreTell AT&T about your new products
Diabetes is associated with a three-fold increased risk of dementia in older people with memory loss, a study at King’s College London suggests. If that’s correct, telehealth monitoring to help people control their diabetes may have a double benefit. HealthcareRepublic… Read moreDiabetes linked to risk of dementia
First part of an article from AlphaGalileo about the EU-funded SensAction-AAL project, focusing on comments by Lorenzo Chiari, a researcher at the University of Bologna, Italy. “Patients’ movements, picked up by the accelerometers and gyroscopes, can be translated into feedback… Read moreTechnological safety net for fall-prone elderly
The Vitalsens wireless health monitor of Belfast-based Intelesens, a University of Ulster spin-out company, has gained a CE marking. The Vitalsens device can monitor heart rate, ECG, temperature and levels of activity from a disposable electrode patch in the chest… Read moreVitalsens device CE marking (NI)