Chips and drugs
Fascinating pointer-to-the-near-future article on “a new class of intelligent medical devices”. Retracing a medical device’s discovery-to-market process in MIT’s Journal of New England Technology. Read it here.
Fascinating pointer-to-the-near-future article on “a new class of intelligent medical devices”. Retracing a medical device’s discovery-to-market process in MIT’s Journal of New England Technology. Read it here.
The UK’s Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is developing a telecare and telehealth resource for its members and is inviting members to take part in a survey, according to Healthcare Republic. You may want to follow the link to view… Read moreRCN builds telecare and telehealth resource
Two items relating to the care of people with diabetes, by using telehealth: Telehealth for diabetes promotes aging at home, not in the hospital Telehealth Solutions Showcase New Technology at Diabetes UK
Broad analysis of the current US telehealth market by Christine Chang of Datamonitor: Telehealth holds great potential but wider awareness may not lead to adoption in Trading Markets. A good read.
HRSA’s Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT) has posted information on the Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program. The grant program administered by the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth within OHIT supports the development of Telehealth Resource Centers as an… Read moreTelehealth Resource Center Grant Program (US)
Ricability is the trading name of the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs. It is a UK research charity that provides independent, unbiased information for disabled and older consumers. Its consumer reports are based on independent rigorous testing and research. Its… Read moreRicability: Product review site