Patients get enhanced proactive telehealth care seven days a week in Northern Ireland

Home Telehealth Limited (HTL) has launched a Telehealth Care Centre in Northern Ireland. Through the Centre, patients there will benefit from the introduction of health monitoring technologies in their own homes.

Home Telehealth COPD patient in Northern Ireland
Brian, a COPD patient from Lisburn, County Antrim, using his RemoteNurse Monitor at home.

HTL has taken over and relocated the operations of Quality Healthcare At Home in Belfast, which ceased delivering a service in February. Paul Murphy, previously the Director of Telehealth at QHAH, is now HTL’s Telehealth Programme Manager for the UK. Talking about this move he said that the transfer of nurses and telehealth operations and the daily triage and management of NHS patients with long-term conditions to the new Belfast facility was seamless. It was completed in just a few days “without any of our patients even noticing the move across town.” Download the press release.