Today’s mashup of items:
- Smartest shirt of all? Under Armour, a major manufacturer of high-end athletic wear, is introducing the E39 shirt which via the ‘Bug’ (a wireless transmitter/hard drive) can sense heart rate, respiration, accelerometry (g forces) and skin surface temperature. Complete with woo-hoo video. And it looks like here and now in the once-starchy Atlantic, no less…but on the UA website, it explains that it’s in test. Any company involved in fall detection monitoring and fall prediction factors, take careful note of what this apparel juggernaut is doing. This means you. Under Armour’s best idea
- The application tracking mood and behavior via your smartphone [TA 25 June], and phoning friends, family and caregivers for psychosocial support, just took home theĀ Sanofi-aventis $100,000 Data Design Diabetes challenge prize. Fast Company’s Co.Exist. Another spinoff from the MIT Media Lab.
- Free iPhone app designed to save lives of burn victims. The Mersey Burns app calculates the right amount of critical fluids the patient needs in the next few hours after the event, and helps the medic graph exactly how much of the body is burned. Just approved by the NHS. Developed by Chris Seaton, a former British Army medic, veteran of Afghanistan, who’s going for his Ph.D at the University of Manchester and writing apps to help avoid simple medical errors in his spare time. Dr. iPhone on burn duty. (also on Fast Company’s Co.Exist). Bravo!