Just proving it is not difficult to substitute ‘re’ with the name of Nintendo’s ‘Wii’ game box to produce an eye-catching headline as many of the articles below have done. The serious point is that it is being adopted with enthusiasm by many organisations involved in rehabilitation and health for older people who as using it to motivate people to exercise, and no, this isn’t an April Fool’s story!
One wonders whether it could be the seed of a consumer-based telehealth monitoring device. Particularly with older people, it would make sense to be able to monitor various physiological parameters before, during and after exercise. With Wii boxes and new games selling in their millions on release, it would be a great way of popularising such use of technology.
Here’s a small collection of relevant stories:
Wii-habilitation: Playing in virtual worlds good for the elderly
Nintendo’s Wii Fit to make you healthier [Has good illustrations]
Wii will win the fight against obesity
And if you don’t think Wii could integrate with other devices, check this out:
Nintendo Wii controller used in battlefield bomb disposal