Unveiling a 'healthy' International CES in New York

healthspot station smallThe HealthSpot Station combines both telehealth and telemedicine doctor-patient video consults in a private walk-in/wheelchair accessible 8′ x 5′ kiosk setting. The patient, in coordination with the physician on the video link, and seated comfortably in a chair with a video screen (wheelchair accessible), can use self-diagnostic tools such as blood pressure, otoscope, dermascope, thermometer, stethoscope and pulse oximeter. What is different about this than other full-fledged health kiosks (notably Cisco’s TelePresence) is its completeness–it can be placed anywhere, not just in a clinic; it has an enclosed setting for privacy; there is a technician/health assistant provided (for assistance, supervision and ensuring sanitization after use) and the wide range of digital diagnostic equipment. Editor Donna’s conversation with HealthSpot marketing head Lisa Maughan also revealed their business model is provider-driven in controlling placement and use. Currently HealthSpot has been trialling with a base of 250 patients at Central Ohio Physicians Clinic. HealthSpot envisions placements at US retail stores, urgent care facilities, offices, factories, military bases, long term care communities, universities, rural areas and eventually internationally, targeting developing countries. CES announcement/press release. Website.

Telehealth device maker Omron will be shortly providing consumer users with a web platform to upload and integrate their Omron-created data. This will be rolled out both in the US and internationally, with Japan and Europe first.

Singapore-based Zensorium has a iPlatform and quite colorful thumbreader plug-in device that detects multiple vitals: respiratory rate, O2, heart rate, heart rate variability (stress levels) and uploads them through their own (Tinke) network for comparison. For sale in the USA but not FDA approved as far as Editor Donna can tell.

And before your Editor went off into the night after a well-staged mini-expo/press reception, there was time for a quick hello to Robin Raskin of Living in Digital Times (and also recently elected to the CEA Foundation Board of Trustees), as she was being interviewed by NY1 (the TimeWarner cable news channel) and followed by a photographer!  Silvers Summit, which highlights products and services for a healthier 50+ market, will kick off its conference track on 8 January with Vint Cerf, Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist, and often dubbed “the father of the Internet.”  Release.