'Remote health management' limited by reimbursement

Before you dismiss this as ‘dog bites man’, Scientia Advisors’ market review on ‘remote health management’ (RHM, which includes all our ‘teles’) as part of home health manages to round up the usual suspects in slow adoption  (limited insurance reimbursement means doctors and home health agencies don’t adopt) but also gives a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel.  While RHM is tiny (1.4% of the market, compared to 80% for traditional home care), it is the fastest growing segment and will increase to $3.6 billion in 2012.  Scientia’s managing partner Harry Glorikian also attributes this to convincing tests of clinical data.  “We believe that large-scale clinical trials, sponsored by government or manufacturers, could demonstrate the value of wider spread remote health monitoring to payers, who in turn would change their reimbursement practices.”  The Medical Device Daily article approvingly cites the Cleveland Clinic test (below).  Thanks to Neil Versel and FierceMobileHealthcareMedical Device Daily Scientia interview.