Editor Steve would bore readers rigid with the many items that could be posted about planned local UK council spending cuts which mention telecare either as the subject of cuts or as a way of saving money, so restraint is the watchword. However, the first of the following items makes this current UK context vivid as few other items do. It is a campaigning and sensationalising item and the telecare reference is about half way down. Carnage at Salford Council! Salford Star (Wikipedia: City of Salford). The second item, from the well-respected Community Care magazine sets out for social workers and other council workers the possible ways to use the law to challenge cuts. How to use the law to fight social care spending cuts.
Addition 18 February: By contrast, Perth and Kinross, in Scotland, is investing a further £281,000 in telecare services despite saving and cutting in other areas. Council passes budget in face of ‘unprecedented financial challenge’ The Courier.