A groundbreaking home that uses the latest smart technology to give people with dementia and other serious long-term health conditions greater independence will be showcased at Hillside Court, a ‘very sheltered’ housing scheme in St George, Bristol. It has been developed in a joint project between Bath Institute of Medical Engineering (BIME), Bristol City Council’s Adult Community Care service, Bristol PCT’s Intermediate Care Service, Dementia Voice (dementia services development centre) and Housing 21 (a national provider of housing with care and support for older people).
“The really smart thing about the wireless technology we have used in this flat is that we can take the elements that clients find particularly useful in the smart home and install them in their own home,” said Professor Roger Orpwood, Director of BIME. “The idea is that residents will stay in the smart home for a short period of around three months, before returning to their own home.” Read the whole story.