UK telecare service seen as model for Taiwan
How the British Trade and Cultural Office’s UK-Taiwan International Telehealth Conference on Tuesday was reported in the English-speaking Taiwanese press.
How the British Trade and Cultural Office’s UK-Taiwan International Telehealth Conference on Tuesday was reported in the English-speaking Taiwanese press.
I have a feeling there is a potentially important story lurking in this press release behind the jargon and acronyms. But the EncounterCare website is hardly more informative.
The e-Legacy awards, in case you are wondering, have been launched by Electronic Product Design magazine to recognise a company’s or design’s “excellence, plus its contribution, motivation and corporate social responsibility. The Medical Advancement category has been designed to honour… Read moreToumaz Technology named as finalist in “Medical Advancement” category for inaugural e-Legacy Awards (UK)
In brief, progress has been reported in four areas: 1) Increased membership 2) First set of interoperability standards: due out in early 2008 3) Test and Certification Program for products that meet the first standard 4) Starting to develop a… Read moreContinua Alliance: Progress in the first year
A reminder of the DLF’s training day coming up 28 November, in London. More details on the Telecare Events page. (Scroll down.)
An internet-based telerehabilitation system shows promise for people for whom distance from a speech and language therapist is a problem. A robotic arm is mentioned, although it is not clear what benefits that adds. Will therapists make the leap to… Read moreSoftware shows promise for speech disorders (Australia)
The Children’s Partnership recently released a Telemedicine Issue Brief at the UC Davis Health System Pediatric Telehealth Colloquium in San Francisco. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of telemedicine for children and families, especially those who are… Read moreTelemedicine for children
Increases in body weight are associated with hospitalization for heart failure and begin at least one week before admission, while daily information about patients’ body weight can identify high-risk periods during which interventions can be most beneficial, according to new… Read moreUsefulness of weight monitoring for people with heart failure confirmed
Research reported in the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare concludes that the programme studied was cost-effective for one-third of the participants and suggests that more would have benefited with a different intervention model. Link to article abstract. Whilst there, you… Read moreThe cost-utility of a care coordination/home telehealth programme for veterans with diabetes
“In collaboration with India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Intel Corporation Chairman Craig Barrett announced a sweeping new effort to transform healthcare in rural India. The health projects, starting in Tamil Nadu, a state with a population of 62… Read moreIntel to back telehealth in India