Business Week gets mHealthy

….and sees good things.  It’s a touch-all-the-bases-fast article that gets it mostly right.  The drivers according to BBW are combinations of smartphones, retail and devices.  Examples:  Walgreens retails Vitality GlowCaps, and is testing weekly notifications of drug usage via AT&T to family members or doctors; Best Buy retails Bluetooth-enabled blood pressure monitors that upload to PHRs (and more–Meridian Health partnership TA 10 April).  Also highlighted:  Qualcomm, the Intel/GE joint venture, CardioNet, insurer Humana’s ‘walking’ app, more on this slideshow.  A VC is quoted on starting a new fund to take advantage of this growth, but as the article points out, both FDA/FCC regulatory questions and who pays (one of our Four Big Questions) create enough barriers that result in, in Mobisante‘s CEO’s words:  ‘Big players are making investments but no one is making money.’   Article.