Digital Health Summit @ CES 6-9 January

Just 27 days (as of today) to the Digital Health Summit at International CES 2011, 6-9 January.  Held in conjunction with the related Silvers Summit, it’s larger this year than ever. Both conferences focus on different aspects of the booming market of technology-based consumer health and wellness innovations. Digital Health Summit combines an expo floor that is part of CES:  Las Vegas Convention Center, North Hall in the ‘TechZone’, with a full day conference on Friday 7 January (North Hall N253). (Silvers Summit’s conference day is same place on Saturday.) If your company is involved with connected health or technology for the older adult market, both Summits are worth checking out. See the International CES website for registration and travel information.

Some highlights and quick links to the agenda and speakers:

  • Keynote: ‘From the Army to the Public’–Col. Ronald Poropatich, M.D., USA, Deputy Director of the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)
  • Other topics: ‘Is Digital Health Here to Stay’, ‘The Role of Remote Monitoring’, ‘The Doctor in Your Hand’, more.
  • Agenda and Speakers

Note:  Telecare Aware is a media partner of the Digital Health Summit (see banner at right)

Would you like Telecare Aware readers to be aware of your product or services in a great big way? Be a sponsor of a conference report from Digital Health Summit. You will be subsidizing (unpaid) Ed. Donna’s travel to Las Vegas and her stay, plus first person coverage for TA readers. What you get: permanent banner credit on the conference report (see Editor Steve’s TSA report) and a great big, visible thanks! Email Steve or Donna for information.