Yesterday’s reports seem to indicate so, at several different stages from public to startup.
An analysis of Epocrates’ IPO, Vitality GlowCaps’ acquisition, Massive Health’s massive ‘seed round’…and whither Series C financings?
- Brian Dolan dashes with cold water facts: in US only 31% of mobile phones are smart (Nielsen); provider experience has been that near or more than half of chronic condition patients don’t have internet connectivity, much less a smartphone, for a lot of different reasons (including being 50+); chronic condition apps are the slowest growing type of app at the iPhone store.
- But the founders have serious Silicon Valley cred (see more at Xconomy), this is a ‘hot rock’ deal by size and investors, and by the time it’s ready to market, perhaps the user base will catch up with the technology.
Roundup on all three at Mobihealthnews.
Ed. Donna missing something here: the announcements of Series C or even D financing, that ever-so-dicey point where the early-stage company is expected to be breakeven, is poised for major moves, and some of the angels get to fly home with cash in pocket. That inflection point has proven to be the comeuppance of more than one promising eHealth company. And there are companies with products not so sexy, or needing FDA approval, which in the past two years were lucky to gain bare-bones Series A or B financing, now running out of funds and time. So while all the above is cheering news and an indicator that investors are no longer wary of eHealth, when we see the veterans in the field get later rounds of decently-sized financing and/or attractive (not punitive) buyouts, it will then truly be cause to break out the Pol Roger.