Wolverhampton gets on with its telehealth trial (UK)

Wolverhampton City Council is expanding its provision of telehealth following a trial run involving 40 health monitors. What caught my in this story was “the Strategic Health Authority employing eight project managers on 12 month contracts to support the PCTs telehealth leads”. That sounds rather odd for a small trial, even an expanding one.

1 thought on “Wolverhampton gets on with its telehealth trial (UK)

  1. SHA Project Managers
    Although the article doesn’t make it clear, I believe that the 8 Project Managers are being employed by the SHA as part of its Telehealthcare project (one of a number of projects under the Investing for Health programme). The Project Managers will each cover one or more PCTs within the West Midlands region and part of their remit is to support the delivery of local telehealth projects.

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