The previous Telecare National Framework Agreement (NFA) (CM/RSC/05/4376) expired on 1st June, but the tender process for its replacement (for telecare, telehealth and telecoaching) being undertaken by Buying Solutions (BS) has been held up “as a result of the General Election” a month ago. But why a change of Government and Minister should cause a delay is not clear.
Although BS is ultimately responsible to a Minister, his or her role is essentially ‘hands off’. Nor does it seem likely that this NFA would fall foul of the new Coalition Government’s freeze on spending plans pending their review, as the framework incurs no direct Government spending. All I [Ed. Steve] have been able to get from the BS Head of Media Relations is the following statement:
“As you know, we have a number of framework agreements currently pending award, which have been slightly delayed as a result of the General Election, including the Assistive Technologies – Telecare/Telehealth/Telecoaching Framework Agreement. We expect these to be concluded shortly and will update relevant customers and suppliers as soon as possible.”
So again the UK’s telecare/telehealth/telecoaching industry has been left dangling, mid-tender, by yet another quango. (See ECCH item).
Buying Solutions latest update
Current legal standing as advised by Buying Solutions:
“Dear Suppliers,
As you know, the Telecare framework agreement expired on 1st June 2010 having reached its maximum term. The purpose of this email is to clarify the legal position of Orders and Contracts received or executed within the period leading up to the expiry of the framework agreement and beyond.
No Orders or Model Contracts may be executed after 1st June 2010. In the event that you execute an Order or Model Contract with a customer after this date that procurement will not have been conducted under the terms of the framework agreement and will not therefore be compliant with EU Procurement Directives.
All contracts in place by 23:59 hrs on the 1st June 2010 will continue to be supported by Buying Solutions. We have issued a notice on the Buying Solutions website and will be emailing our Telecare customers to remind them that the framework agreement has expired”.