This past summer at bucolic Fort Dix, New Jersey, the US Army tested the capabilities of its first-ever tablet-based physiological monitoring device (in Army-speak). With prototype medical software designed to assist medics in combat conditions, running on commercial tablets connected to a “tactical” 4G network, the tablets have streaming video, voice and photo capability. The medic sends an electronic Tactical Casualty Care Card (TC3–picture left) over a 4G tactical network to the surgical facility. Surgeons can assess the injuries in real time, see what treatment has been performed in the field–the TC3 moves in advance of the casualty–and advise the medic on treatment if needed. It can also help the brigade surgeon triage casualties for treatment and evacuation–and importantly, follows the patient throughout treatment. Much information here on how the Army is developing a 4G network usable under combat conditions. At this early stage, it doesn’t yet integrate the helmet sensors [TA 3 Aug] or wristwatch type ‘blast gauges’ [TA 14 June] which are being deployed to determine TBI risk. Warning: you may experience dizziness from the number of acronyms contained in this article. Army Explores Tactical 4G Telemedicine (Armed With Science)