Shh! GPS clears up a BS mess (UK)

For over three years the UK Government’s Framework Agreement (FA) for procuring Telecare, Telehealth and Telecoaching services has been perpetuating the industry-wide confusion between Carecalls Ltd trading as Telecare Technology ( and the unrelated Telecare Technology Limited.

Two weeks ago editor Steve reported the fact that Telecare Technology Limited had been dissolved in August. The owners of Carecalls Ltd threatened to sue him. (See his apology.)

Even that day the GPS was maintaining that it was Telecare Technology Limited, not Carecalls Ltd, on the FA.

The good news is that this week the GPS put right that particular BS mess.

With these events the GPS had an ideal opportunity to draw a line under the BS mess and show that they could do things differently. But no, they just corrected their Telecare Technology databaase entry (scroll down the page). Did they think no one would notice?

So here is an offer to the GPS…You are welcome to use the comment facility below to apologise to Carecalls Ltd and to the rest of the industry. Getting some practice in now will make it much easier to deal with the next BS mess you uncover.

(For any readers not up to speed with the background to the FA, it was originally set up by an organisation called Buying Solutions (BS) and adopted and extended [Why? Why?] by its successor, the Government Procurement Service (GPS). From the start of the FA Telecare Aware has been pointing out that is more pig’s ear than silk purse. Some examples here, here, and here.)