If you have a way with words, then use it to win £30 (approx US$40) of Amazon vouchers!
The snappily-named Burnside Telecom P230 wireless desktop phone which allows owners to program in numbers that they wish to be answered automatically in handsfree mode when called, needs a new name and managing director David Robson is offering the Amazon voucher to the Telecare Aware reader who can come up with the best one.
The Guardian newspaper dubbed it ‘The Easy Answer’, but the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) complains that every phone is called ‘Easy something-or-other’ – so ‘easy’ is out!
Read the info about it then leave your suggestions, with your name and email address* in the comments box below. They will not be published, but it’s just an easy way (ooops!) to collect them up. You can enter as many times as you have ideas!
Let’s give it until Thursday next week, 9th April. The voucher winner will be announced after Easter.
* If you don’t get an acknowledgement by email, you will know why – submit it again.