More market projections–this time mHealth

CMSG, a strategy consulting firm, projects the market for mobile health technologies will reach $1.4 billion by 2014, in its new study mHealth: Taking the Pulse. According to Healthcare IT News, it contains much of the usual information on the plus and minus sides: the latest plus being the FCC broadband report on telehealth–sorry, e-Care!–estimating savings of $700 billion in 15-25 years, a bureaucratically safe guess and on the minus, the need for a sound reimbursement plan.  It does cite that mobile devices will drive the near to mid-term growth, which is somewhat novel as many have been focusing on desktop access. And it highlights the fragmentation in creating approaches for the market: mobile network operators, OEMs and software providers must collaborate with current healthcare players. How this will work in the current 52-card-pickup that ‘reformed’ US healthcare has become–any guesses? Healthcare IT News