part of the ‘standard of care’ now developing with names like PCMH and ACO. Key customer-oriented factors like proper communication, building trust–even when procedures are difficult–and encouraging the modeling of healthy behaviors are key to having ‘Triple Aim’ improved outcomes, lowering cost and improved patient experience. Neither telecare, telehealth nor anything whiz-bang in mHealth is mentioned, but it’s easy to imagine how these can be integrated…now we just have to get them included. Patient Engagement is the Blockbuster Drug of the Century
Related to this is how an estimated 20% of traditional hospital groups are now evaluating entering the insurance business, as already 20% do. This will add further incentive to coordinated care, patient engagement–and eHealth. Long Island-New York’s North Shore-LIJ is profiled. Hospitals Look To Become Insurers, As Well As Providers Of Care (Kaiser Health News)