HHS announces $68 million in senior/disabled 'navigation'

Another rollout from ‘healthcare reform’ is $68 million in grant money from the Affordable Care Act, parceled out to all states, territories and 125 tribal organizations, to help seniors, the disabled and their caregivers better understand and navigate their options for long-term care. According to the press release from Health and Human Services (HHS), it will also be distributed among four programs.  Because it is spread so thinly, one wonders about its effectiveness–and reading closely, it funds agencies and ‘outreach’, not direct care or assistance to seniors and the disabled. In other words, it’s hard to pin down how it will directly help older adults or the disabled–or does it just fund the current system? Where is telecare, telehealth, mobile health?  Is it tilted to process, not results? And is that the point?  HHS release. Hat tip to Anthony Cirillo’s ‘Who moved my dentures?’ blog on aging issues.