Half of US healthcare providers have EHRs–and many are not happy

Further to the sluggish adoption of EHRs above, what seems prima facie in this CompTIA survey–50% of healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, nurses, physician assistants and office managers) have adopted EHRs–really is not.  Dig in:  only 34% are using a ‘comprehensive’ EMR, 16% are using a partial, and the rest are either evaluating options (29%) or haven’t started (20%).  While 59% of adopters are mostly satisfied, 36% are unsatisfied in part.  This is a big yellow warning flag that can confirm, to those inclined to agree with Mr. Morreale, that perhaps the whole notion of EHRs is due for a good hard rethinking and a slowing down of the timeline.  iHealthBeat.  CompTIA release.