Each year the English county council of Essex (which runs social services) makes a number of pledges to its population. They are designed to support its plan to make Essex the best place to live and work in the country. This is its new Telecare Pledge, part of an initiative to support service users and introduce them to the value of telecare:
The Council will offer Telecare equipment and support to all Essex residents over the age of 85 enabling them to live safely and independently in their own home.
To support its pledge, Essex is investing an additional £4million in telecare services for people over 85 as part of its Essex Works Programme for 2009/10.
According to Gary Raynor, Essex’s Telecare Services Development Manager, it “demonstrates the commitment of Essex to telecare and to its promotion of service user choice and independence”.
Essex and Newham also hosted a visit of a delegation of local authority and health staff from Sweden and Finland last week. Their mission was to learn about UK policy for telecare and take back a practical understanding of how it is being developed and implemented in the contrasting rural and urban areas.
Cllr David Finch, Essex County Council cabinet member for adults, health and community wellbeing, said: “It is gratifying that the Swedish and Finish governments are so impressed with what we are doing and sending distinguished representatives to see how we plan to empower our residents to shape their own lives and have more choice and control over them.”