Effective doctor consultations online (US videos)

Courtesy of 3G Doctor, video of a presentation about online consultation (in a US context) given by Dr John Bachman of the Mayo Clinic. To help you plan your time, I predict that if you get through the first five minutes you are likely to watch through to the end – about 45 minutes in all, despite the poor sound quality. For this editor (Steve), one of the most interesting moments is when he says that any time the doctor is looking at paper, or talking to a patient on the phone, he or she is being inefficient. Want to know how to conduct effective Online Doctor Consultations?

2 thoughts on “Effective doctor consultations online (US videos)

  1. Why telephone consultations with Doctors Fail…

    Steve, if you agree that “talking to a patient on the phone” is inefficient you might also be interested in the follow up post I wrote based on some very interesting research by the General Practice unit at Edinburgh University and published in the May issue of the BCGP.


    My summary: If we want to do anything with phone call consultations with Doctors that is more than ‘mono topic’ or ‘refer to a physical meeting’ we need to empower patients and their doctors with history gathering tools.

  2. Further to ‘Why telephone consultations…’

    David, that’s interesting, especially the comment to the item. Thanks.

    Re-reading my original post I realised I compressed Dr Bachman’s meaning in my highlighting of that particular point. I think that he was a) being provocative to disrupt usual patterns of thought and b) saying that if you are doing something that is inefficient, by stopping it, you can spend your time (perhaps even on the phone) doing things that make more significant use of one’s time. A lesson for us all.

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